Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What does Twain's Legacy Mean to YOU?

Mark Twain's legacy. How does one aptly describe what his legacy is, how it affects society, how it affects us individually? In our new exhibit that opened a couple of weeks ago, we asked our visitors to do just that. We've left an open journal with pens and colored pencils and asked you to tell us what Mark Twain and his legacy means to you.

Here are some of the responses:

"What I most admire about Senor Twain was his relentless capacity to poke verbal holes through the armor of pretense and absurdity worn by many around him. I imagine that he made many people uncomfortable and we generally need more of that."

"Mark Twain gave the world at large and Hartford CT specifically the benefits of his wisdom and literary voice - a living legacy we will treasure FOREVER." Bonnie K. Goldberg 2/13/10

"Mark Twain's house is really cool and interesting!"
Maya R. Greenberg, 12 yrs old

"The greatest writer in USA." 2/20/2010

And then, there was this:

So? What about you? What does Mark Twain and his legacy mean to you?


"Everybody's private motto: It's better to be popular than right." Mark Twain, 1902

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